Greasy-Gooney 10K - Click image to load a new image randomly

Twelfth Annual Greasy-Gooney 10K, Saturday 23 October 2010
Overall Results  •  Age Groups  •  Splits  •  Report  •  Photos

2010 Overall Results
Names of SVR members at the time of the race are in bold print. If you spot any mistakes in the results, contact results guy Karsten Brown. Also available from the 2010 race are a list of award winners & age groups, a list of everybody's 5K split times, and 414 photos. (A full race report should be posted eventually.)

# name age sex city, state time pace in sex award
1.Karsten Brown36MFront Royal, VA35:465:451st1st M Overall
2.Charles Bowles28MBoyce, VA37:356:032nd2nd M Overall
3.Adam Borbidge31MSouth Riding, VA39:006:173rd3rd M Overall
4.Tom Heinemann41MFalls Church, VA39:546:254th1st M 40-44
5.Bryan Inglish32MFront Royal, VA41:106:385th1st M 30-34
6.Eamon Connelly28MFrederick, MD41:456:436th1st M 25-29
7.Duane Williamson47MWarrenton, VA41:556:457th1st M 45-49
8.Lawrence Kusko41MStephens City, VA42:066:478th2nd M 40-44
9.Michelle VanHorn29FHarpers Ferry, WV42:296:501st1st F Overall
10.Ben Snarr19MWoodstock, VA42:536:549th1st M 19 & U.
11.Timothy Hoff31MHaymarket, VA43:176:5810th2nd M 30-34
12.Joel McKenzie49MStephens City, VA44:477:1211th2nd M 45-49
13.Alison Gittelman37FSouth Riding, VA44:547:142nd2nd F Overall
14.Tim Hudson43MStephenson, VA45:197:1812th3rd M 40-44
15.Bruce Baraniak53MBoyce, VA45:517:2313th1st M 50-54
16.David Logan42MWinchester, VA47:027:3414th4th M 40-44
17.Mike Legge31MStephens City, VA47:227:3715th3rd M 30-34
18.Misty Bordner32FFront Royal, VA47:287:383rd3rd F Overall
19.Karen Young42FBeallsville, MD47:397:404th1st F 40-44
20.Jim Shaughnessy50MWinchester, VA47:597:4316th2nd M 50-54
21.Stefan Raab35MSouth Riding, VA48:227:4717th1st M 35-39
22.Denny Myers56MStephens City, VA48:487:5118th1st M 55-59
23.Ed Mayhew65MWinchester, VA49:367:5919th1st M 65-69
24.Amy Feathers31FWinchester, VA49:397:595th1st F 30-34
25.Ben Marsh24MLinden, VA49:508:0120th1st M 20-24
26.Chris Seiders36MFort Valley, VA49:568:0221st2nd M 35-39
27.Rebecca Webster28FFront Royal, VA50:328:086th1st F 25-29
28.Quatro Hubbard50MRichmond, VA50:338:0822nd3rd M 50-54
29.Brandon Horton28MWinchester, VA51:078:1423rd2nd M 25-29
30.Wally Martin41MFront Royal, VA51:138:1524th5th M 40-44
31.Richard Lewis47MWinchester, VA52:038:2325th3rd M 45-49
32.Jeff Pence52MEdinburg, VA52:118:2426th4th M 50-54
33.Stephanie Pross38FCulpeper, VA52:138:247th1st F 35-39
34.Rebecca Hall36FFront Royal, VA53:188:358th2nd F 35-39
35.Elaine Fulmer36FFront Royal, VA53:398:389th3rd F 35-39
36.Steve Clegg46MBerryville, VA53:418:3827th4th M 45-49
37.Patty Hugo43FFront Royal, VA53:428:3910th2nd F 40-44
38.Julee Steele19FStephens City, VA53:498:4011th1st F 19 & U.
39.Doug Morris72MDelaplane, VA53:558:4128th1st M 70+
40.Suanne Shocket57FManassas, VA54:128:4312th1st F 55-59
41.Bess Stuart52FWhite Post, VA54:358:4713th1st F 50-54
42.Mark Raiford46MAmissville, VA54:408:4829th5th M 45-49
43.Doug Berry67MNorfolk, VA54:568:5030th2nd M 65-69
44.Hariharan Subrahmanyan40MChantilly, VA54:578:5131st6th M 40-44
45.Ashley Popham22FFredericksburg, VA55:418:5814th1st F 20-24
46.Jon Duvall46MWhite Post, VA55:488:5932nd6th M 45-49
47.Ian Clarke43MFairfield, PA55:508:5933rd7th M 40-44
48.Scott Medeiros47MStafford, VA55:569:0034th7th M 45-49
49.Dan Rebmann31MFalls Church, VA56:089:0235th4th M 30-34
50.José Velázquez51MHanover, PA56:129:0336th5th M 50-54
51.John Carter50MBentonville, VA56:379:0737th6th M 50-54
52.Noah Nason62MManassas, VA57:189:1338th1st M 60-64
53.Jordan DiPaola15MStrasburg, VA58:129:2239th2nd M 19 & U.
54.Ernest Walden31MFront Royal, VA58:179:2340th5th M 30-34
55.Hunter Hollar61MSingers Glen, VA58:419:2741st2nd M 60-64
56.Pam Patterson50FWhite Post, VA58:529:2815th2nd F 50-54
57.Bob Ring62MHarrisonburg, VA59:019:3042nd3rd M 60-64
58.Susan Jennings49FBluemont, VA1:00:189:4216th1st F 45-49
59.Deb Carter47FBentonville, VA1:02:4610:0617th2nd F 45-49
60.Marlena Walden32FFront Royal, VA1:02:5310:0718th2nd F 30-34
61.Rachel Brodrick27FShepherdstown, WV1:02:5310:0719th2nd F 25-29
62.Claire Lewis17FWinchester, VA1:03:0010:0820th2nd F 19 & U.
63.Phil Laub59MFront Royal, VA1:03:0410:0943rd2nd M 55-59
64.Nick Hogan36MStephens City, VA1:03:0810:1044th3rd M 35-39
65.Glenn Luttrell67MWinchester, VA1:04:0710:1945th3rd M 65-69
66.John Winkert54MSouth Riding, VA1:04:2310:2246th7th M 50-54
67.Mackenzie Landers24FCross Junction, VA1:04:3310:2321st2nd F 20-24
68.Vern Heavner31MMartinsburg, WV1:05:0410:2847th6th M 30-34
69.Lisa Heavner32FMartinsburg, WV1:05:0510:2822nd3rd F 30-34
70.Ron Occhiogrosso48MFront Royal, VA1:05:4410:3548th8th M 45-49
71.Susan Gano52FWhitacre, VA1:07:4810:5523rd3rd F 50-54
72.Elyse Barrett20FStephens City, VA1:07:5510:5624th3rd F 20-24
73.Amanda Rebmann31FFalls Church, VA1:08:3811:0325th4th F 30-34
74.Julie Whitley41FMartinsburg, WV1:08:5311:0526th3rd F 40-44
75.Harold Sampson63MTimberville, VA1:09:4511:1449th4th M 60-64
76.Scott McLean34MReston, VA1:10:3111:2150th7th M 30-34
77.Robert Gurtler75MThe Plains, VA1:10:5711:2551st2nd M 70+
78.Cedar Balazs24FHerndon, VA1:11:2111:2927th4th F 20-24
79.Nick Nelson25MArlington, VA1:11:2111:2952nd3rd M 25-29
80.Bret Funk29FFront Royal, VA1:12:0111:3528th3rd F 25-29
81.Lewis Shroyer54MBerryville, VA1:12:2011:3853rd8th M 50-54
82.Paul Grosz60MStephens City, VA1:12:3711:4154th5th M 60-64
83.Todd Maiberger40MBerryville, VA1:13:0611:4655th8th M 40-44
84.Janet Hughes73FWinchester, VA1:15:3812:1029th1st F 70+
85.LaToya Cain28FFairfax, VA1:17:3512:2930th4th F 25-29
86.Colleen Snyder54FLinden, VA1:24:1413:3331st4th F 50-54
87.B.J. Balazs50MHaymarket, VA1:28:1014:1156th9th M 50-54
88.Cindy Balazs49FHaymarket, VA1:28:1014:1132nd3rd F 45-49

Twelfth Annual Greasy-Gooney 10K, Saturday 23 October 2010
Overall Results  •  Age Groups  •  Splits  •  Report  •  Photos

The Greasy-Gooney 10K Web pages are maintained by Karsten Brown.