Greasy-Gooney 10K - Click image to load a new image randomly

Third Annual Greasy-Gooney 10K, Saturday 27 October 2001
Overall Results  •  Awards & Age Groups  •  Race Report

2001 Award Winners & Age Group Results
Names of SVR members at the time of the race are in bold print. If you spot any mistakes in the results, contact results guy Karsten Brown. Also available from the '01 race are the overall results and a race report.

Female Overall
#nameagesexcity, statetimepaceo'allin sex
1.Monika Bracken36FCastleton, VA43:277:009th1st
2.Katherine Lowery26FHarpers Ferry, WV45:547:2318th2nd
3.Heather Kremer38FWinchester, VA47:467:4121st3rd

Male Overall
#nameagesexcity, statetimepaceo'allin sex
1.Eric Chandler27MWinchester, VA35:275:421st1st
2.Patrick Gladden21MStephens City, VA36:595:572nd2nd
3.Frank Curiel35MMiddletown, VA38:016:073rd3rd

Male 14 & Under
#nameagesexcity, statetimepaceo'allin sex
1.Ryan Manuel13MFront Royal, VA56:569:1033rd26th

Female 15-19
#nameagesexcity, statetimepaceo'allin sex
1.Anna Lawrence15FBerryville, VA50:528:1123rd4th

Male 15-19
#nameagesexcity, statetimepaceo'allin sex
1.Sean Rankin17MFront Royal, VA45:447:2217th16th

Male 20-24
#nameagesexcity, statetimepaceo'allin sex
1.Charles Bowles19MBoyce, VA38:286:115th5th
2.Mike Brosenne23MShephrdstwn., WV40:086:286th6th

Female 25-29
#nameagesexcity, statetimepaceo'allin sex
1.Connie Miller-Mathews29FFairfax, VA1:00:019:4036th9th
2.Kristen Vogel29FFront Royal, VA1:05:1310:3040th11th

Male 25-29
#nameagesexcity, statetimepaceo'allin sex
1.Karsten Brown27MFront Royal, VA43:317:0010th9th

Female 30-34
#nameagesexcity, statetimepaceo'allin sex
1.Krista Farris32FWinchester, VA53:118:3428th6th

Male 30-34
#nameagesexcity, statetimepaceo'allin sex
1.Kevin Kunkel30MReston, VA43:377:0111th10th

Male 35-39
#nameagesexcity, statetimepaceo'allin sex
1.Mark Vann35MWinchester, VA38:186:104th4th
2.Terry Leckie37MFront Royal, VA43:417:0212th11th
3.Mike Brown38MCharles Town, WV50:238:0722nd19th

Female 40-44
#nameagesexcity, statetimepaceo'allin sex
1.Elizabeth Scholder42FFront Royal, VA51:298:1726th5th
2.Mary Deppa43FMarshall, VA55:368:5732nd7th
3.Carol O'Leary44FWinchester, VA58:349:2634th8th

Male 40-44
#nameagesexcity, statetimepaceo'allin sex
1.Weaky Weak44MWinchester, VA42:346:517th7th
2.Joel McKenzie40MStephens City, VA42:596:558th8th
3.Jim Shaughnessy41MWinchester, VA44:057:0614th13th
4.Myron Kremer44MWinchester, VA44:147:0716th15th
5.Pete Bracken40MCastleton, VA50:548:1124th20th
6.James Rohr40MNew Baltimore, VA51:168:1525th21st
7.Chris Manuel43MFront Royal, VA1:03:2010:1239th29th

Male 45-49
#nameagesexcity, statetimepaceo'allin sex
1.Denny Myers47MStephens City, VA44:127:0715th14th
2.Dennis Gates47MAmissville, VA45:587:2419th17th
3.John Winkert45MSouth Riding, VA59:379:3635th27th

Female 50-54
#nameagesexcity, statetimepaceo'allin sex
1.Judy Moran51FGaithersburg, MD1:01:219:5237th10th

Male 50-54
#nameagesexcity, statetimepaceo'allin sex
1.Howard Campbell53MCulpeper, VA43:437:0213th12th
2.Paul Grosz51MStephens City, VA52:178:2527th22nd
3.Lyman Jordan54MGaithersburg, MD54:118:4329th23rd
4.Ric Francke54MMcLean, VA1:09:1611:0941st30th

Male 55-59
#nameagesexcity, statetimepaceo'allin sex
1.Butch Proctor57MBroadway, VA55:078:5230th24th
2.Glenn Luttrell58MWinchester, VA55:108:5331st25th

Male 60 & Over
#nameagesexcity, statetimepaceo'allin sex
1.Doug Walker62MWoodstock, VA46:507:3220th18th
2.Bob Gurtler66MThe Plains, VA1:02:0710:0038th28th
3.Lowell Owsley71MJeffersonton, VA1:18:1812:3642nd31st

Third Annual Greasy-Gooney 10K, Saturday 27 October 2001
Overall Results  •  Awards & Age Groups  •  Race Report

The Greasy-Gooney 10K Web pages are maintained by Karsten Brown.